Year: 2014
[Ek Yug Aathmi Gayo] Ismailmama Adam Gajjar passed away
Inna Lillahe Wainna Ilayhe Rajeun.
His Namaj-e-Janaja will be held at Bhadbhag Graveyard after Isha prayer.
May Allah [SWT] grant him the best place in Jannatul Firdaush. Ameen.
Faheem Degmaster Receives Award for Qiraat Competition
One of our young Tankarvi, Faheem Degmaster, received an award for the beautiful recitation of Qur’an at a Qiraat Competition. We, on behalf of all visitors around the world, congratulate Faheem and his parents / family on this success and make dua that May Allah (SWT) give him more & more success in future and make him the coolness of the eyes of his parents. Ameen.
Seen here in picture, Faheem recieving award from Qari Mumin Ae-Nul Mubarak from Indonesia.