Year: 2015
Haji Valibhai Mohmed Ghodiwala [Pandya] passed away. Inna lillahe wainna ilayhe rajeun.
His Namaj-e-Janaja will be held at Hashamshah [RA] Graveyard at 10 am today. May Allah [SWT] grant him the best place in Jannatul Firdaush. Ameen.
Heavy Snowfall in Toronto.
Reported by Ayyub Popat.
Pride of Tankaria: Hafez Owais Faruk Vasta of Blackburn, UK.
Hafez Owais, son of Faruk Vali bhai Vasta, has completed the Hifz of the Holy Qur’an. He is only 12 years old, MashaAllah! May Allah give him Neq Hidayat and protect his Iman. Congratulations to Owais, Faruk and all the Vasta family.
Sent by Mustak Subamaster.
Haji Aiyub bhai Vasta, Hafez Owais and his dad Faruk Vasta