Haji Gulam Malatagar and family on their way to Jeddah for Umrah pilgrimage.
Photos sent by Afzal Patel.
Photos sent by Afzal Patel.
Photos sent by Mustak Subamaster.
Assalaamu Alaikum,
My name is Hilmi Sharki Nagia, the son of Musa Ebrahim Nagia.
My grandfather was from Tankaria and moved to South Africa in the late 1800s with three of his brothers.
Today, we are three brothers in Worcester (near Cape Town), South Africa:
From left to right: Hilmi Nagia (me, eldest brother), Sadri Nagia (youngest brother) and Enver Nagia (middle brother).
We would appreciate it if this could be posted on the MyTankaria website so that we could possibly make contact with more of the Nagia family.
Kind regards,