We praise All Mighty Allah (SWT) and thank all donors for their generous donations so that we now have a beautiful school building.

 From experience of visiting several schools, including Ivy League universities like Harvard, Yale and Columbia in the USA and UK, they have big pieces of art (sculptures) around the co

llege campus and historical pictures in common places. There is a definite purpose when these schools do something like that. It serves two purposes. Teaching students of our history without saying a word and providing a living legacy.

Our school should have sculptures like Hothyru, Gaadu, Thresar and other big items displayed nicely around the long walkways. Let the 11th or 12th year students take that responsibility with the guidance of teachers. This can be their extra curricular activity for which they can be rewarded extra credit.

We should have old pictures displayed in the school library, labs, staff room or an old school picture in the principal’s office.

Think of a child 20 years from now who will not have ever see our current or past living styles or a visitor from overseas who has never visited a village before but is visiting because it is his family town. These projects will show them memories that will bring their relatives back to life. This is a display of our ancestors, their lives, life style, our culture and how they cemented a strong foundation for the future generations.

Comments and discussion are welcome.

Brothers from Chicago are hosting Gujarati poems and Mushaira program tomorrow on Wednesday evening (11/19) with chief guest none other than Adam Saheb Tankarvi. The program will start at 7pm sharp at Indo-American Center on Devon Avenue in Chicago, USA. There are limited parking places available, so you are requested to come early. There is no entrance fee and free refreshment will be served. Due to the limited availability of space and time, the program is limited to male audience only. However, the program will be LIVE on www.MyTankaria.com (pending confirmation and permission of poets), so everyone, regardless of location, can enjoy the program. Please go to www.MyTankaria.com at 7pm tomorrow (Local time in Toronto: 8pm, UK: 1am, Johannesburg, South Africa: 3am).

Please pass the word along to as many community members as you can. We can guarantee that this will be an evening to remember and you certainly do not want to miss this opportunity to hear Adam Saheb and other poets.

Adam Saheb Tankarvi, name so well respected in rich Gujarati literature. Person with soft voice but when spoken has loud and very clear meaning, short sentence but can tell you a whole book and simple words but can leave long lasting impression. USA and Canada is very lucky to have Adam Saheb with us for short visit. Here we have some clips from his visit to great city of Houston.