On the night of 3rd July, at 19:40, 15 males heavily stormed into Masjid Fazaane Bilaal in Fordsburg, South Africa. There weres over 300 people reading Taraweeh Salaah. Some of the musalees were assaulted. All were told to lay on the floor and then were robbed of their personal belongings, cellphones, wallets and other items. The Lillah and Zakaat collection boxes were also ripped off the wall. The ordeal lasted under 20 minutes. Allah saved them as there were no serious casualties, thou they lost their belongings. We request everyone to make dua for the protection of one and all and our places of worship. Ameen.

RAMADHAN MUBARAK TO ALL from Administrator Team…

Alhamdulillah…Ramadhan is here…

We are so grateful to see this blessed month again. We pray for a productive and beneficial month in which to focus not on what we’re giving up, but on what we may gain with those distractions out of the way.

For all of those observing this month, we pray:

Oh Allah, guide us along with those whom You have guided; and grant us well-being along with those whom You have granted well-being; and protect us with those whom You have protected. Bless for us all that You have given us; and save us and keep away from us evil … To You, Oh Allah, all praise is due for what You have decreed, and to You, O Allah, is due all thanks for Your blessings and bounty. We seek forgiveness from (You) Allah, and we repent to You. … Oh Allah, accept our prayers, our fasting, our standing in worship, our bowing and our prostration. Oh Allah, make us among those who are freed from the Fire this Ramadan … Oh Allah, be compassionate with us, for You are the One who shows us mercy.


Something very interesting. Length of fasting in different parts of world. May Allah (SWT) give us strength and patience.

Length of Roza in Parts of World


IPL has just finished and the Football world cup is around the corner but Cricket fever is here to stay for the summer. While our students at Tankaria High School are working really hard and getting results that makes our community proud, so too are our boys on the cricket field in every corner of the world. While Zuber Desai in Leicester is hitting sixes that brings tears to the opposing team and Sohail Gordhan in South Africa is winning “Best Batsman of the League”, Munaf Patel (Bachcha) provides punches that please the crowd. Recent matches show Munaf crossing the 50 mark easily with towering sixes when chasing or providing high score games. We wish all the players “Good Luck” for their upcoming matches and our students for a bright future and immense success. Keep us posted.

Munaf (L) with Siraj Patel (R) of Achhod.

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