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It is a proud moment for Tankaria village, that one of our Tankarvi living in Zambia named Muhammed Sarfaraz Delawala participated in the global Colgate art competition, My Bright Smile, which included selected schools from Zambia, including LICEF School. Out of thousands of participants worldwide, he was honored as one of the 12 winners. His artwork has been featured in the 2025 International Colgate Calendar for the month of May—a truly remarkable accomplishment!

In 2024, Muhammed also excelled in several school competitions. He secured first place in the Primary Speech Contest with his insightful presentation on Energy Drinks. His innovative project on Free Energy Generator at the Primary Science Fair earned him the privilege of representing LICEF at the Independent Schools Association of Zambia Science Fair. He also proudly participated in the Science Quiz hosted by Pinewood Preparatory School in Lusaka, Zambia.

Seeing his dedication, passion, and hard work being recognized on such platforms fills us with immense pride. May he continue to shine and achieve even greater heights!

ભરૂચ તાલુકાના ટંકારીઆ ગામની પુત્રી પ્રતિક્ષાબેન ભદ્રેશકુમાર પંચાલે એમ.એસ.સી. [ફિઝિક્સ] માં સરદાર પટેલ યુનિવર્સિટી વલ્લભવિદ્યાનગરથી પ્રથમ ક્રમાંકે પાસ થઇ ગોલ્ડ મેડલ પ્રાપ્ત કરી ટંકારીઆના ગૌરવમાં વધારો કર્યો છે. સમગ્ર ટંકારીઆ ગામ તેમને અભિનંદન પાઠવે છે. હાલમાં તેઓ પી.એચ.ડી.નો અભ્યાસ કરી રહ્યા છે. તો તેમને સમસ્ત ટંકારીઆ ગામ વતી શુભકામનાઓ પાઠવીએ છીએ.

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