Young Tankarvi’s Article On New Zealand Mosque Attack Get Published in Prestigious Canadian Newspaper….
Recent terrotist attack in Newzeland mosque had left the entire country and whole world in shock. The Muslim communities across the world were trying to grasp the gravity of situation and people from all faiths were coming together to show solidarity and support for the victims, there still remain a question, why did this happen? Why? It is when our Young Tankarvi brother wrote this beauticle and very thoughtful article. We encourage you to read and pass it along to as many people.
Following article is from one of our young Tankarvi, Amaan Khandhia, son of Shahid & Sabiha Khandhia and grandson Abdul Hamid Congowala and Rahim Seth Khandhia of Tankaria.
(Many Thanks to Iqbal Bhai Popat of Canada for sharing this article with us and special Thanks to Canadian Star for publishing this article).

Read Amaan’s article below…………………….
My name is Amaan Khandhia, born and raised in Scarborough. I’m a Grade 7 student, 12 years old, an older brother, a son, an activist, a Muslim, a human being.
What aren’t I? I am not a terrorist, I am not an immigrant, I am not the other, I am not an outsider.
There was an event in New Zealand that has saddened and broken the hearts of many around the world. This incident was caused and influenced by nothing but hate and fear. Because of the lack of knowledgce and understanding of just one person, 50 people have lost their lives, and another 50 have been injured.
This epidemic of Islamophobia has been strikingly high in recent years, and yes, here in Canada as well. The Quebec mosque shooting in 2017 took the lives of many and is yet another example of fear. Hate does not have a specific home, it can spread everywhere, through social media, the local paper, movies, songs, etc.
Because of the continuing movement of hate around the world, I feel scared. I have more anxiety than I’ve ever felt before. I feel anxious walking into a place of worship, the mosque, that now has to be guarded by security personnel 24/7.
At larger religious gatherings at the mosque, the police watch down at us and our surroundings. I know I should be thanking them for keeping us safe, and I am truly grateful for their work, but prayer congregations at the mosque should feel peaceful. But now, I can’t step into the mosque without thinking to myself, “What if I’m next?” “Will they come for us?”
It feels as if hate and Islamophobia will be a regular part of life forever. My younger brother will have to grow up witnessing even more hate and bigotry. He will have to grow up with the impact of Islamophobia hitting harder than ever.
That is, until we speak up.
The lives that were taken away in a devastating and violent hate crime in New Zealand was the result of people not knowing who Muslims and immigrants really are.
But, Muslims are not the only victims of biased crime. Fear and victimization does not have a religion. Because of deceptions created by the human race, many have lost loved ones. We all are affected by the continuing trend of hate in our societies. We are all victims of undisciplined and uninformed behaviour. We are all one community and will grieve united.
We, as a community, as Canadians, as humans, can tackle this hostility together. Yes, prayers and thoughts do help in these situations but it’s not enough. We need to change more than anything.
Change starts with you, every one of you reading this right now. Change starts when you stop judging people by who you THINK they are. Change starts when youth use their perfectly powerful voice. Change starts when we value the voices of our youth. Start conversations. End assumptions. Talk to different people. Get to know different people from different backgrounds, and religions beliefs. Conversation creates many levels of understanding and understanding creates unity.
To honour all the victims of hate who have lost their lives and their loved ones, I would like everyone to take time out of your day in solidarity to observe a moment of silence. Think about all of the people that have been targeted and killed because of hate and how hate can impact lives.
Let’s make it a priority to unite and connect with each other, to understand each other and to take down adversities caused by hate within our schools, communities and our world.
Together, we can.
Together, we will.
Together, we stand.
(Amaan Khandhia is a Grade 7 student in Scarborough).
Many congratulations to proud parents of talented young boy and best wishes for a very bright future.
Really great thoughts. Need to change and we have to start ourselves. Congratulations young Tankarvi.
Well done Amaan. We need many more young people like you who can become the voice of our community and Muslims in general. It will be a good idea to become a journalist and help to dispel the myths and spread the true message of Islam. The West is spiritually bankrupt and is longing for inner peace. You can become a young Daee of Deen and carry on doing this wonderful work.